求知、主動、有所作為,為自己和我們的客戶設想改變世界的可能性 Be curious, take initiative, make a difference. Envision world-changing possibilities for ourselves and our customers.
簡化思維, 清晰策略 Think Simply. Display Clear Strategy.
善用公司的優勢,確定並清晰傳達關鍵目標和成功要素 Identify and clearly communicate critical goals and success factors. Leverage PTC strengths.
熱情挑戰, 以終為始 Be Passionate. Follow through to the End.
當責, 目標導向, 以熱情與決心面對挑戰 Take ownership of your work. Drive relentlessly towards the end goal, resolving challenges as they arise with passion and determination.
迅速應對, 把握機會 Move Fast. Never Miss an Opportunity
敏捷、往前邁進、擁抱風險 Be comfortable making decisions and taking actions – Even when there is ambiguity. Be agile. Keep moving forward. Embrace the risk, even if it means failure.
組織開放, 激勵成長 Encourage Openness. Stimulate the Growth of All
協同合作、激勵自我挑戰、鼓舞他人更多學習並成長 Cross boundaries and hierarchies; inspire and be inspired Challenge yourself and others to learn more, do more and become more.